Cannabinoid profile for Purple Haze
Sativa Hybrid



Purple Haze is a legendary sativa-dominant strain that originated in the 1960s. Known for its vibrant purple color and earthy sweet aroma, Purple Haze delivers a euphoric and uplifting high. With its energizing effects, it's a great choice for daytime use and creative activities. The buds are dense and covered in purple hues, and carry a unique combination of cerebral stimulation and body relaxation. Enjoy the distinctive and nostalgic experience of Purple Haze.

SALE: 5g 2000 / 10g 3500
1 g
Elevate Your Soi 6 Experience

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: 16:00-2:00
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Pattaya Soi 6 , Pattaya, 20150, 20

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Elevate is proud to present Purple Haze Cannabis buds. These buds are harvested from the same strain as the legendary Jimi Hendrix song, and feature flavors of sweet earth and a fruity aroma. With a THC level of 18%, these buds provide a strong, long-lasting body effect that relaxes both mind and body. Enjoy the smooth, mellow taste and feel of Purple Haze Cannabis buds from Elevate.