Cannabinoid profile for Dragon's Breath



A Dragon's Breath Cannabis bud from

Dragon's Breath is a potent Indica-dominant hybrid that combines fruity flavors with strong sedative effects. It is known for its dense, resinous buds that are shaped like dragon scales. With a delicious sweet and spicy aroma, this strain is ideal for relaxation and stress relief. Dragon's Breath is also recognized for its high THC content and is often recommended for evening use or for those seeking a deep sense of calm and tranquility.

SALE: 5g 2000 / 10g 3500
1 g
Elevate Your Soi 6 Experience

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Elevate your cannabis experience with Dragon's Breath from Elevate. This premium blend of cannabis buds is carefully cultivated to provide an intense psychoactive experience. Dragon's Breath is loaded with high-THC content that will leave you feeling relaxed and euphoric. Its earthy aroma and sweet flavor make this strain a delightful treat for both veteran and novice cannabis users alike. When you need a reliable strain to give you an unforgettable high, choose Dragon's Breath from Elevate.