Creative ways to upcycle cannabis stems

What to Do with Weed Stems?


When it comes to cannabis, the buds are the main attraction. But what about the stems? Many people often wonder what to do with them.


Well, while it's true that the stems won't get you high like the flowers, they still contain cannabinoids and can be used to make a variety of cannabis products. Here are a few suggestions for making the most of your leftover weed stems:


1. Infuse Stems into Butter or Oil

If you enjoy cooking or baking with cannabis, you can use the stems to infuse butter or oil. Simply grind the stems and combine them with your chosen fat in a saucepan. Heat gently for about an hour, strain the mixture, and you'll have weed-infused butter or oil ready to use in your favorite recipes.


2. Make Stem Tea

Another way to utilize weed stems is by making stem tea. Just boil a cup of water, break your stems into smaller pieces, and add them to the boiling water. Let it simmer for about 7-10 minutes, strain the liquid, and you'll have a soothing and mild cannabis-infused tea.


3. Create Stem Hash

If you're interested in trying something a bit more potent, you can make stem hash. Start by grinding the stems and place them in a jar with a lid. Close the lid tightly and shake the jar vigorously for about 5 minutes. The friction will cause the resin glands to separate from the stems, creating a concentrated form of cannabis known as hash.


4. Use Stems for Topicals

Cannabis topicals, such as creams and lotions, can be made by infusing the stems into a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. You can then use this infused oil in various DIY skincare products to experience the potential benefits of cannabinoids on your skin.


5. Compost Your Stems

If you have no interest in utilizing your stems for any of the above options, you can always compost them. Weed stems can be a valuable addition to your compost pile, providing organic material that can help nourish your plants and promote a healthy ecosystem.


So, next time you find yourself with some leftover weed stems, don't just toss them away. Get creative and explore these different ways to put them to good use!