Enjoy a slice of mango with weed from ganjacy.com

Why Should You Eat Mangoes Before or After Smoking Weed?

If you are a cannabis enthusiast, you may have heard the rumor that consuming mangoes before or after smoking weed can enhance your high. While this claim may sound somewhat bizarre, there is actually some truth behind it. 

The Myrcene Connection

One of the key compounds found in mangoes is called myrcene. This terpene is responsible for the fruit's distinctive aroma and is also found in abundance in certain cannabis strains. Myrcene is known to have sedative effects and is believed to contribute to the "couch-lock" feeling often associated with strong indica strains. When consumed together, myrcene from the mangoes may interact with the cannabinoids in marijuana, potentially enhancing the overall experience.


Increased Terpenes

By consuming mangoes, you may be boosting the terpene levels in your body. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in both mangoes and cannabis, and they play a vital role in determining the unique effects of different strains. Eating mangoes rich in myrcene can potentially increase the concentration of terpenes in your bloodstream, making the effects of cannabis more potent and long-lasting.


Quicker Onset

Mangoes contain a high amount of dietary fiber, which can help speed up digestion. When you consume mangoes before or after smoking, the fiber can potentially aid in the absorption of cannabinoids, allowing them to enter your bloodstream more rapidly. This may result in a quicker onset of the desired effects, allowing you to experience the high more quickly and intensely.


Prolonged High

Another potential benefit of eating mangoes before or after consuming cannabis is the possibility of a prolonged high. This is because the myrcene in mangoes could potentially inhibit the enzyme responsible for breaking down cannabinoids in your body. By slowing down the breakdown process, the effects of cannabis may last longer, allowing you to enjoy an extended and enhanced high.


Personal Experience and Anecdotal Evidence

While scientific studies on the mango-cannabis connection are limited, many cannabis enthusiasts swear by the practice of consuming mangoes to enhance their high. Numerous anecdotal reports suggest that eating mangoes before or after smoking weed can indeed intensify the effects and prolong the duration of the high. It's important to remember that individual experiences may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between mangoes and cannabis.



Whether you decide to try eating mangoes before or after smoking weed is entirely up to you. The potential benefits of consuming mangoes, such as increased terpenes, quicker onset, and a prolonged high, are worth exploring. Just make sure to have some ripe mangoes on hand for your next cannabis session and see if it enhances your overall experience. Happy toking!