Cannabinoid profile for End Game
Sativa Hybrid



An End Game Cannabis bud from

End Game is an exceptionally potent and highly sought-after cannabis strain that offers a harmonious experience, combining earthy, woody, citrus, and skunk aromas, with dense buds adorned with orange hairs and trichomes, delivering a euphoric and uplifting high, promoting relaxation, mental clarity, and relief from stress and anxiety.

1 g
Big Bud Dispensary
Superior Cannabis through Strong Genetics

Pick-up & delivery options available

: 10:00-2:00
Currently closed

148-149 Soi Buakhao , Pattaya, 20150, 20

Active promotions from Big bud dispensary

Experience the ultimate cannabis experience with Big Bud Dispensary's End Game Cannabis Buds. This premium cannabis strain is grown in the USA and is expertly cultivated for a perfect balance of taste and potency. End Game buds offer a powerful, full-bodied flavor with an earthy and sweet aroma. The high THC content delivers an intense and long-lasting buzz that will leave you feeling relaxed and satisfied. Enjoy the ultimate cannabis experience with Big Bud Dispensary's End Game Cannabis Buds and order yours today!