Cannabinoid profile for End Game
Sativa Hybrid



An End Game Cannabis bud from

End Game is an exceptionally potent and highly sought-after cannabis strain that offers a harmonious experience, combining earthy, woody, citrus, and skunk aromas, with dense buds adorned with orange hairs and trichomes, delivering a euphoric and uplifting high, promoting relaxation, mental clarity, and relief from stress and anxiety.

10% off
3.5 g
Big Bud Dispensary
Superior Cannabis through Strong Genetics

Pick-up & delivery options available

: 10:00-2:00
Open now!

148-149 Soi Buakhao , Pattaya, 20150, 20

Active promotions from Big bud dispensary

Big bud dispensary proudly presents End Game Cannabis buds. This highly sought-after strain is known for its unique flavors and high potency. The buds are compact and medium-sized, and they have a pungent aroma, offering a smooth smoke with a sweet taste. This strain is perfect for those looking for a strong, long-lasting high that will provide both physical and mental relaxation. End Game Cannabis buds provide a powerful euphoric feeling and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. With its high THC content, this strain is ideal for experienced users looking for a powerful recreational experience. Buy End Game Cannabis buds from Big bud dispensary today and enjoy the ultimate in cannabis quality.