Clean bongs for the ultimate high

Many cannabis enthusiasts enjoy using bongs to enhance their smoking experience. However, over time, bongs can become dirty and develop a buildup of residue that can affect the taste and quality of your hits. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the functionality of your bong and ensure you're getting the best possible smoking experience. Here are some tips on how to clean your bong effectively:


Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your bong, gather all the necessary supplies. You will need warm water, coarse salt, isopropyl alcohol (at least 90% concentration), cotton swabs, paper towels, and plastic bags to cover any sensitive areas of your bong.


Disassemble Your Bong

Start by disassembling your bong. Remove the bowl or slide, downstem, and any other detachable parts. This will make it easier to clean each piece individually and ensure that you reach all the nooks and crannies where residue might be hiding.


Rinse with Warm Water

Begin the cleaning process by rinsing your bong pieces with warm water. This will help to remove any loose debris and make the subsequent steps more effective. Run warm water through each piece, ensuring that you rinse thoroughly.


Soak Your Bong in Isopropyl Alcohol

Once you have rinsed your bong, it's time to soak the pieces in isopropyl alcohol. Fill a plastic bag with isopropyl alcohol and place each piece inside, ensuring they are fully submerged. Let them soak for at least half an hour or longer for more stubborn residue.


Scrub Away Residue

After the soaking process, remove each piece from the bag and gently scrub them with salt and warm water. The salt acts as an abrasive, helping to break down and remove any remaining residue. Use cotton swabs for hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that you clean thoroughly.


Rinse and Dry

Once you've scrubbed away the residue, rinse each piece thoroughly with warm water. Ensure that all the salt and alcohol have been removed. After rinsing, use paper towels or clean cloths to dry each piece completely. Allow them to air dry for a few more hours to ensure there is no residual moisture.


Reassemble and Enjoy

Once all the pieces are dry, reassemble your bong carefully. Make sure all the connections are secure and tight. Now, your bong is clean, and you're ready to enjoy your next session with fresh and flavorful hits.


Regular Cleaning is Key

Remember, regular cleaning is crucial to keep your bong in optimal condition. Depending on your usage, you may need to clean it at least once a week or more frequently. By following these cleaning techniques, you can ensure that your bong stays clean and provides you with the best smoking experience every time.