Tips to store your weed


Proper storage of cannabis is essential to maintain its flavor and potency. Understanding the ideal conditions for storing cannabis can help ensure that you preserve its quality and effectiveness for a longer period of time.


Best Containers for Storing Cannabis

Choosing the right container is crucial when it comes to storing cannabis. Glass jars with an airtight seal are the preferred option, as they help maintain the optimal moisture levels and prevent the entry of excess air and humidity. Avoid using plastic bags or containers, as they do not provide the same level of protection.


Temperature and Humidity Levels

Temperature and humidity levels play a significant role in preserving the quality of cannabis. It is recommended to store cannabis in cool, dark places with temperatures below 70°F (21°C). Excessive heat can cause degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes, leading to a loss of flavor and potency. It is also important to keep cannabis away from areas with high humidity levels, as moisture can promote mold growth.


Avoid Exposure to Light

Light exposure can negatively affect the quality of cannabis. UV rays from sunlight and artificial lighting can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes over time. To prevent this, it is advisable to store cannabis in dark or opaque containers that block out light. Keeping the containers in a dark and cool area further helps to limit light exposure.


Air Control

Proper air control is essential to prevent the entry of excess air and oxygen, which can accelerate the degradation process of cannabis. Airtight containers, such as glass jars, help create a barrier against air and maintain the desired moisture content. It is also important to avoid frequent opening and closing of containers, as it exposes the cannabis to fresh air each time.


Avoid Freezing Cannabis

While storing other goods in the freezer may be common, freezing cannabis is not recommended. Cannabis plants consist of delicate trichomes, which contain the cannabinoids and terpenes. Freezing can cause the trichomes to become brittle, leading to a loss of potency and flavor.


Odor Control

Cannabis has a distinct aroma that can be easily detected. To prevent the odor from spreading, it is advisable to use odor-proof containers, such as glass jars with a tight seal. If needed, additional layers of odor-proof bags can be used for extra air control.


Labeling and Organization

Proper labeling and organization can make it easier to identify and access different strains and products. Clearly labeling containers with the strain name, date of purchase, and any other relevant information can help you keep track of the age and origin of your cannabis. Additionally, categorizing different strains or products can assist in selecting the desired variety.



Proper storage of cannabis is essential to preserve its flavor and potency. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can ensure that your cannabis remains fresh, effective, and enjoyable for a longer period of time.